Past Projects

The guild uses challenges and workshops to grow and learn new techniques. These examples are from our recent past.

2024 Trip to see Helena Hernmarck

Some us visited Helena Hernmarck at her studio and had a wonderful, inspiring visit.

2024 Mary Flad Tapestry Workshop

Mary Flad, of Poughkeepsie, led a group through highly personalized tapestry projects.

2024 Guild Challenge

Our guild challenge was really two challenges. We wove napkins, choosing a Berta Frey draft from our collection. We used colors our members picked, then swapped napkins. We ended with napkins in our colors, with different drafts. The second challenge was a mug rug exchange – any draft, any materials. Both were enjoyable.

Two Workshops in 2023

Denise Kovnat presented two workshops: Warp Painting with Synthetic Dyes (via Zoom), and a two-day workshop – One Warp, Many Structures.

2023 Guild Challenge

Our challenge for 2023 was a towel exchange, and we had quite a variety. We hope to compile a packet of all the designs to share with the group.

2021 Guild Challenge

The 2021 Guild challenge is pushed us into new techniques and creative options. At a meeting early in the year, we each drew several cards and chose three that would define our project. The cards included color, structure, finishing, and other options for a woven piece.

Selection Process

Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image.

2021 Display at the Ulster County Historical Society

The guild was invited to display weaving at the Bevier House in Stone Ridge, part of the Ulster County Historical Society’s exhibition showing the evolution of textiles in Ulster County. The show ran June through October, 2021, and was well-received by the public. Guild members share a variety of woven items. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image.

20/20 Vision Challenge

Woodstock Weavers created 20/20 Vision as our challenge for the year. The guidelines, if you could even call them that, were very generous: create a piece that represented your vision for the year.

Little did we know what the year would bring.

Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image.

At the bottom of each image you’ll find additional options including: play slide show, switch to full screen, view additional information.


Betty Vera Color That Moves, two-day workshop, 2019

The Betty Vera workshop was a study in color and structure. She provided us with a number of warp options (color and threading), and during the workshop we wove samples using her treadling directions. Each participant got a notebook of all samples and drafts.

Notebook showing samples from Betty Vera workshop
Betty Vera round-robin samples