The Woodstock Weavers guild fosters interest in handweaving and textile arts as exemplified by our mentor and dear friend, Berta Frey.
The guild was founded in 1972 in her memory. Berta Frey (1893-1972) was a well-known and influential textile artist, instructor, and author. The Woodstock Weavers originally met in Woodstock, New York, which is where she lived and taught for many years.
We now meet in Port Ewen, New York, on the second Tuesday of most months at 10:00, at the Reformed Church of Port Ewen which is located at 160 Salem Street. Parking is directly behind the church, off Hasbrouck Avenue. Meetings are held via Zoom as conditions dictate.
In addition to regular monthly meetings, the guild sponsors workshops, study groups, exhibits, sales, and other activities.
March 29, 2025 the guild is supporting and participating in a special event with the City of Kingston and Art Society of Kingston. Guild members, and others, will be demonstrating fiber techniques from history and today. Details are here.